Lagrange Function and Principle of Least Action of Fluid Mechanics 流体力学的Lagrange函数和最小作用量原理
The Principle of Least Action used to Prove the Electric Capacity of Non-coaxial Cylinder 最小作用原理求非同轴圆柱电容
According to the principle of least action, the approximate value of the capacitor can be obtained since of all the possible energies, the real energy should be the minimum value that corresponds to the approximate value of the electromagnetic field. 根据最小作用原理,在各种可能的能量中,真实能量应为最小值,因此所求的这个极小值与真实场能的近似值相对应,这样得到电容的近似解。
This paper discusses the mechanical properties of noncontemporaneous variation, from which the Hamilton principle and the principle of least action are derived. 本文讨论了非等时变分的力学性质,并由此导出Hamilton原理和最小作用量原理。
The principle of least action and its meanings 最小作用量原理及其意义
On the Principle of Least Action 关于最小作用量原理
New Form Principle of Least Action for Non-holonomic Systems 非完整系统的新型最小作用原理